
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Legacy of Eugenio Montale

On Thursday, May 3rd, 2012, the Italian Cultural Institute will be hosting an event in honor of one of the most revered Italian poets of the twentieth century, Eugenio Montale.  Montale was born in Genoa, Italy in 1896.  Being the youngest of six sons, Montale firmly believed that this aspect allowed him the freedom to pursue his true passion in life, expressing himself through the art of writing.  He recalled:

“We had a large family. My brothers went to the scagno ["office" in Genoese]. My only sister had a university education, but I had not such a possibility. In many families the unspoken arrangement existed that the youngest was released from the task to keep up the family's name.”

Montale became an accountant in his young adult years, which allowed him a sense of liberty to visit frequently the city’s libraries and thus nurture his passion for literature.  Ever since the beginning of his literary career, Montale greatly enjoyed writers such as Dante Alighieri, the “Father of the Italian Language,” in addition to the study of foreign languages such as English.  After the outbreak of World War I, Montale became a member of the Military Academy of Parma, where he briefly served as an infantry officer until his return home in 1920.  His experiences in the war in addition to the rise of Fascism in 1922 became fundamental themes for many of his poems.  

Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti,
ciò che non siamo, ciò che non vogliamo.

(Only this is what we can tell you today,
that which we are not, that which we do not want.)

This verse forms the end of a famous poem from his first collection, Ossi di seppia (“Cuttlefish Bones”).  Ossi di seppia is an antifascist poetry collection that demonstrates Montale’s feelings of detachment from contemporary life and how he enjoyed the serenity of nature during the hard times that surrounded him.  Montale’s poetry also emphasized the natural beauty of the Mediterranean landscape of Genoa and other places of his region where he often sought solace.  Overall, Ossi di seppia was the beginning of a very distinguished career for Montale in which he left a legacy that greatly helped enrich the Italian culture as we know it today.    

Please join us for an evening of poetry readings and discussion in which we will celebrate the publication of William Arrowsmith’s translation of “The Collected Poems of Eugenio Montale 1925-1977.”  Thanks to this new translation, the English speaking community will now be provided with another glimpse into the intriguing world of Montale.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Don’t Miss the Press Conference with “la Cantautrice” Elisa!

The Italian singer and song-writer Elisa Toffoli is making her debut here at the Italian Cultural Institute on Wednesday, March 14th, where she will give the audience a taste of her new album “Steppin’ on the Water.”   Elisa is very well known in Italy and throughout the rest of Europe primarily for her single “Come Speak to me” or “Luce” in Italian, which ironically was the first song she ever composed in Italian.  It was because of “Luce” that Elisa won the 2001 edition of the famous Sanremo Festival.  Meanwhile, Americans may recognize her through the song “Dancing” which was featured in both the 2006 and 2007 seasons of “So You Think You Can Dance.”  Part of Elisa’s talent comes from her ability to write mainly in English as well as to incorporate in her work various genres of music from alternative rock, pop to electronica.  Though personally I have not heard her music played yet in America, after discussing this singer with Italians of all generations, I received the same positive responses that she is a very talented woman with great artistic sensitivity.  Due to her popularity abroad, my curiosity to explore some of her songs was peaked.  Therefore, my Italian colleagues recommended to me some of her creations such as “Labyrinth,” “Ti Vorrei Sollevare” and “Eppure Sentire.”  Even if one does not understand Italian, the combination of the instruments along with the beauty of the Italian language and Elisa’s voice are enough to make anyone appreciate her music. Nevertheless, I came to love the song “Labyrinth” not because it is written in English, but more so for its ability to demonstrate with a light-rock flare the universality of human emotions.

In the summer of 2002, Elisa released an album containing a selection of her most popular songs, which gained her significant attention in many European countries. However, this album still failed to establish her as an international artist.  I believe with the launching of her new album, “Steppin’ in the Water” in America, Elisa will not only advance her career but also have the opportunity to share her music and her passion with a whole new audience.  In a sense, Elisa and her artistic talents can serve as another bridge to join Italian and American cultures together.              

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rome through the Eyes of a "Straniero"

Every time that I travel, be it domestically or internationally, I always attempt to adopt the local customs of the people around me; therefore, I try to the best of my ability to not follow the stereotypes of a “straniero” – foreigner.  In my opinion, observing the traditions and daily activities of the people one encounters during various trips can greatly heighten the overall traveling experience.  After living in Rome for a month last summer, I learned that by opening myself up to a new culture and by adapting myself to a new way of life, I was able to conquer the city while learning more than I ever could from a classroom setting about Italian language and culture.
My name is Michael Brown and I am currently a junior at Seton Hall University in New Jersey.  Last summer, I participated in my school’s study abroad program to Rome, where I took two Italian language courses and had the unique opportunity to live with a host family right in the center of the city.  Though I was very fortunate to have traveled to Italy prior to this trip, I must say my experience in Rome was unlike any other and definitely the most rewarding.  I still remember when I first arrived at the Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci di Fiumicino in Rome and was greeted by my Italian teacher who gave my classmates and I all kisses on the cheeks and said, “You’re now in Italy, you have to do things the Italian way!”  Although I was ecstatic to finally be in Rome, I was still very nervous for the following day when we would meet the families with whom we would be living for the next month.  Upon first meeting my “new mother” and her son, I felt like I was part of the family – I was given a key to the apartment and all my independence as well.   The host family provided me with everything I needed, home cooked meals being my favorite.  They wanted me to get a real taste of Italian cuisine and cooked for me almost every night.  “Gnocchi alla Romana” among other local dishes were all delicious!  My host mother would always say to me, “Qui, si mangia bene!”  And she was right; I ate well in Rome every day.
But, let’s be honest, this trip was not all fun and games.  Having my freedom in a foreign country and in an unfamiliar city also came with a price.  During my other trips abroad, I was always part of a tour where every aspect of my day was completely planned out and everything was provided for me.  In Rome, this was not the case, but there was something beautiful about it.  Although I felt like I was dropped in this huge city and forced to fend for myself, it was exactly what I needed.  Every morning I had to commute to school using all different kinds of public transportation.  No charter bus came to my apartment building; there was no preferential treatment this time.  I became a true Roman.  Since I grew accustomed to commuting around the city, I no longer stuck out as the token American.  It was a great feeling to have both Italians and foreigners asking me for directions.    
My classmates and I went out a few times together to get a taste of the nightlife of Rome.  Testaccio, Trastevere and Campo de’ Fiori are among some of the neighborhoods in the city that are well-known for their lounges and bars that remain open all hours of the night.  Being the risk taker of the group, I decided to stray away from the typical places frequented by American students.  Campo de’ Fiori is the zone of the city that Americans have basically made their own and it was the only place that my classmates and I would venture to for the first week of our trip.  I knew that if I wanted to have a truly enriching experience abroad, I would have to seek out places where only the locals go, even if it meant going alone.  This is exactly what I did.  I made many new friendships with Italians from all over the country, some who did not speak a word of English.  Before I knew it, I realized there were some nights where I spoke nothing but Italian, because even if I tried speaking English, no one would understand me.  Talk about complete immersion!  In my opinion, the only way to truly master a foreign language is to live in a country where the language is spoken.  It also requires stepping out of one’s comfort zone.   
They say that Rome is like one big outside museum.  During my daily commutes to and from school, I had the pleasure of exploring all that Rome had to offer.  The apartment where I lived was right near the picturesque Piazzale Flaminio, so every day I would walk down streets, such as the Via del Corso, with their churches and chic stores.  It was truly an amazing sight for me to see such ancient structures adjacent to modern buildings.  In my eyes, this combination of past and present really made Rome “una citta’ bellissima!”  I could sit here and list all of the historical sites and other hot spots that I saw, but as we both can imagine, that would take quite awhile.  Therefore, I make one suggestion, buy a plane ticket and explore for yourself!  If you want culture, history, delicious cuisine or maybe just some fun and relaxation, Rome has it all. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

The First Italian-American (and Italian New Yorker): Pietro Cesare Alberti

By Ron Spence, ICI NY Press Office

This past weekend in New York was like any other. Subways were packed, Traffic on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway snarled to a halt, and pedestrians in Battery Park unassumingly walked passed a humble marker just to the right of the Verrazano Monument. The marker commemorates the beginnings of a permanent Italian presence in the New World and New York City, and the first Italian-American and Italian-New Yorker- Pietro Cesare Alberti.

The year was 1635 and the setting was Dutch New Amsterdam (the future NYC) – a fledgling town suffering from government mismanagement, lack of support from its primary financial backer the Dutch West India Company, and the constant threat of takeover from the other European powers vying for colonial supremacy. Into this uncertainty stepped Pietro, the son of Guilo Caesare Alberti Secretary of the Ducal Treasury of Venice, and Lady Veronica, a descendant of the great Medici family. Pietro was a sailor by trade and was no doubt inspired by the great Italian explorers that had made their name on the world stage before him- Marco Polo (explorer of the Far East), Giovanni da Verrazano (the first European to explore the future site of New Amsterdam and New York), Giovanni Caboto (who served on behalf of the English), Amerigo Vespucci (explorer and cartographer for whom America is named after) and of course the first modern discoverer of ‘Terra Nova’ Christoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus).

Alberti’s sailing career began in the employ of the Dutch, as a result of the close relationship between the Dutch Republic of the United Provinces, who were fighting the 30 Years’ War against Spain and the Holy Roman Empire at the time, and the Venetian Republic, who were trading partners with the Dutch. Alberti began his adventures by serving as an officer and advisor to David Pietersen, the Captain of the Dutch Ship ‘King David,’ which was scheduled to explore lands in the New World. One such trip required the ‘King David’ to sail into New York Harbor to make ship repairs in New Amsterdam. After a dispute with Captain Pietersen, Alberti (who was in his mid-20s) decided to stay ashore on Manhattan Island and make a new life for himself. While he was the only Italian in the city of New Amsterdam, he adapted very well and became a successful tobacco farmer in what is today land stretching from the Brooklyn Navy Yard to Fort Greene, in addition to owning a house and land on Broad Street in modern Manhattan. Alberti intermarried into the Dutch aristocracy, but was later killed, along with his wife Judith Manje, in a raid by Native Americans in 1655 on his farm in Brooklyn. He was survived by seven children who intermarried with such early influential New York families as the Wyckoff, Remsen, Mott, and Nostrand families- names that to this day dot the streetscape of New York.

Next Columbus Day in New York make sure to visit the spot in Battery Park in which the first Italian-American left his mark and opened the door for future immigrant generations to come. One small step for Pietro Cesare Alberti became a giant leap for Italian-Americans.


Monday, February 6, 2012

“I Like New York”

Do you have a knack for photography? Whether you are a professional photographer or simply enjoy this form of art as a hobby, this contest is for you!  Get in touch with your creative side through the Italian Cultural Institute’s new Photography Contest “I Like New York.”  Show us the beauty of New York from your point of view.  This contest is open to people of all nationalities, for we look forward to capturing New York City not only as it is seen by its residents, but also by those who are exploring the city for the very first time.  Starting on February 6th through the 16th, participants can submit up to three pictures each containing a brief description of the places chosen.  Do you have a favorite spot in New York City that others may have never seen or even heard of before? We are interested in all kinds of pictures!  The voting process will begin on February 18th and last through the 26th.  During this period, Facebook users can vote on their favorite pictures using the Like option.  The three pictures with the most on-line votes will win!  Winners will receive not only a place for their pictures in the Italian Cultural Institute’s Facebook album, but also a copy of La Dolce Vita 1950-1960 Stars and Celebrities in the Italian Fifties written by Marco Pannella. 

Please visit our Facebook page at for more information!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Alborosie Keeps the Roots of Reggae Music Alive

By Ron Spence, ICI Press Staff

In an era of massively commercialized music, one artist has kept the flame of traditional reggae alive. Is he from Trench Town? Brixton? Ethiopia? Nope, none of the above. His name is Alborosie and he’s Italian. Born Alberto D’Ascola in 1977, the Sicilian born Alberosie has climbed to the top of the reggae charts.

Alborosie’s interest in reggae stemmed from his early love of Motown music and vintage musical sounds from the 1960s and 70s, in particular Whirlitzer piano-organs and Spring reverberators which add a vintage echo to his sounds. His biggest hit to date, ‘Herbalist,’ released in 2006 (about perils of drug culture), or his follow up track ‘Kingston Town’ (a raw track about the rough side of the city) can be mistaken for a track from a Peter Tosh Jamaican-based album.

His vintage sounds lack the party feel of Terror Fabulous’ party track ‘Action’ or Shaggy’s pop vibe of a relationship gone wrong in ‘It wasn’t me,’ and provide an edge to the reggae scene celebrated by artists for maintaining the roots of the genre. “He’s one of the guys carrying the original roots of reggae culture and taking it international, a lot more than many current Jamaican artists,” said Terence Forsythe, lead singer and songwriter for the New York based reggae band Jahva. “This make me feel good as an artist because a lot of people in Jamaica are worried that the younger generation in the country are not keeping the traditions of the music. The original beats and message have changed and if an artist keeping the roots alive comes from Italy or even Germany, that’s great,” Forsythe added.

While many songs and different music genres expressed conflict and social unrest such as the breakdown of inner-city life of the in Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five’s early hip-hop classic ‘The Message,’ and the murder of a civil rights worker in Simon & Garfunkel’s folk song ‘He was My Brother,’ reggae served as a constant source of news for poor people in Jamaica who lacked any media outlets. Reggae was one of the earliest, if not the first music genre to take on apartheid. South African civil rights icon Nelson Mandela, upon his release from prison, made Jamaica one of his first stops in order to thank the Jamaican people and reggae artists for battling the evils of apartheid through music and keeping it in the news.

With Alborosie currently living in Jamaica, does reggae have appeal in a country in a different hemisphere separated by an ocean? “Reggae is huge in Italy,” Forsythe added. “One of Bob Marley’s last concerts before he died in 1980 was in Milan, and it drew 100,000 people. There’s a huge reggae market in Italy. Reggae artists tour there all the time.”

Until next week,


Sunday, January 29, 2012

La Dolce Lingua: Italian language classes at the IIC NY begin this Tuesday!

By Ron Spence, IIC NY Press Office

It’s still not too late to register for Italian language courses at the IIC New York! "La Dolce Lingua"  is an 8 week beginners/introductory language course organized by and held at the Italian Cultural Institute of New York. The course will be held for 8 weeks twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM) and starts this Tuesday January 31st.
The course covers the building blocks of Italian:
·         The alphabet/grammar
·         Basic conversation & pronunciation
·         Reading comprehension & writing
In addition, students will be given a ‘crash course’ in common Italian phrases that could come in handy on a trip, including greetings, appropriate dining phrases, expressing likes and dislikes, asking someone to clarify word meanings, wishing people well and more!
In keeping with the Italian flair for conversation, students will learn the language through conversational role-playing through a series of situations, and repetition, which will enhance understanding of Italian culture.
In addition to being an engaging way for learning Italian, the course serves as a great preparation tool for two language competency certifications exclusively offered for residents and visitors of New York by the Italian Cultural Institute. The certifications are recognized and can be used for proving official declarations of linguistic competency. Whether you are a student soon to be traveling abroad, a businessman or businesswoman with clients in Italy, or an aspiring diplomat the course is a great way to delve into details of the Italian language.
For more information please contact the IIC NY at 212-879-4242 or

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Exhibition "150 years of Italian Genius- Innovation Changing the World" will close on Thursday, February 9, 2012.

Schedule: Monday - Friday from 10am to 4pm at the Italian Cultural Institute

686 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065
telephone: 1 212 879 4242
fax: 1 212 861 4018
email: ,


Monday, January 23, 2012

Intorno al Corno: Around the Horn with America’s Pastime in Italy

By Ron Spence, ICI NY Press Office

Playing sports is a great way to exercise the body and mind in friendly and fun competition. Sports also play an important diplomatic and humanitarian role in the world by bringing people from different ethnicities, nationalities, and religions together. The 1914 Christmas Truce, in which British and German soldiers stationed along the Western Front in World War I, tired of the horrors of war, came together and celebrated Christmas Eve & Day with a friendly game of soccer. The United Nations implemented the ‘International Year of Sport & Physical Education’ in 2005 in order to promote what it called ‘a Universal language’ of peace- sports. In New York City, where ‘the big four’ American sports reign supreme- baseball, basketball, football, and hockey, it’s not uncommon to see life-long Yankees and Mets fans skip a few baseball games while the World Cup soccer tournament is on (myself included), and swap a mug of Budweiser for a half-liter of Hefeweizen. While Europe’s national pastime of soccer (or as it’s referred to in the continent as association football) has made huge in-roads in the American sporting community, America’s national pastime of baseball is growing in Europe, and, in particular Italy.

The origins of baseball in Italy go back to the late 19th century with the arrival of two American naval ships in the port of Livorno (in Tuscany), the USS Lancaster and the USS Guinnebaug. To pass the time the Americans held a baseball game (128 years ago today) on January 23, 1884 at the Campo d’Osservazione (Observation Field), which attracted crowds and enough attention to make the pages of Livorno’s newspaper La Gazzetta Livornese. With baseball having reached Italy, early baseball pioneer Albert G. Spalding (whose middle name, Goodwill, should be noted) decided to serve as a ‘Goodwill’ ambassador of the sport (and to promote his sporting goods company which developed what was to become a fixture on the streets of New York- the ‘spaldeen’ ball used for stickball games) and in 1889 held baseball tournaments in Florence, Naples, and the Eternal City- Rome. The tournament was a success and attracted many curious on-lookers including Italy’s King Umberto I and Queen Margherita. During World War I the American Army, in order to foster closer ties with the allied Italian Army, taught Italian soldiers the sport and held baseball games between the two armies. Captain and future beloved Mayor of New York Fiorello LaGuardia even served as a baseball coach for these games.

Throughout the inter-war years an Italian-American and baseball enthusiast named Massimo Ottino (who Americanized his name to Max Ott) ,and Guido Graziani, an Italian physical education teacher promoted the game, but upon the rise of Benito Mussolini’s fascist regime, the game was soon banned for being labeled American. It wasn’t until after World War II that baseball experienced a Renaissance in Italy, and under the leadership of Ottino and Graziani the Lega Italiana Softball and the Lega Italiana Baseball leagues were born. The first modern professional (and historic) baseball game between two Italian teams was held before 2,000 baseball hungry fans on June 27, 1948 at Giurati stadium in Milan. These two leagues would eventually evolve into what is today known in Italy as the Federazione Italiana Baseball-Softball, the governing body of baseball in Italy.

In recent years Major League Baseball has made a huge effort to promote the sport worldwide, and this promotion has led to a growing interest of the game’s development in Italy by American players and teams, including the New York Yankees and the New York Mets. In fact, the Mets, as part of a goodwill effort, have allowed the Italia (Italian) Olympic baseball team to play games at their Port St. Lucie, Florida baseball complex. Italian-American players on both the Mets and the Yankees have tapped into their Italian roots and played on the Italia Olympic baseball team, such as Yankees catcher Francisco Cervilli (who was born in Venezuela but whose parents  emigrated from Italy). In 2006 Mets future Hall of Fame catcher Mike Piazza played for Italy in the World Baseball Classic (WBC), the international goodwill baseball tournament sponsored by Major League Baseball. Piazza currently serves as Italy’s WBC hitting instructor, and no doubt imparts his experiences and hitting techniques on the club.

One Italian baseball organization in particular is fast becoming a major league in its own right- the Italian Baseball League (IBL), founded in 1948, and which is comprised of teams from the following cities (plus one country San Marino)-

·         San Marino (although not technically part of Italy it is still culturally Italian)
·         Bologna
·         Parma
·         Nettuno
·         Rimini
·         Grosetto
·         Godo
·         Novara (which replaced Sicily’s team, the Catania Warriors, in 2011)
These eight teams compete in a 42-game season and use only wooden bats and Wilson baseballs. Up until 2010 the league had a very interesting incentive for the teams to compete rigorously, in that whichever team finished in last place would be demoted to the minor leagues, and the team with the best minor league record would be promoted to the IBL. It would be interesting to see if this idea were to be implemented in Major League Baseball how this would shake up the competition, and could provide an even bigger incentive for teams to remain competitive throughout the season. Each team is allowed to have up to four non-Italian citizens, and each team must have at least six Italian citizen baseball players on the field at any given time. Former American players have found a second home in the IBL, including Jay Palma who was the 1980 sixth-round draft pick of the New York Mets and now coaches the Novara United team. Younger players hoping to one day break into Major League Baseball have also found a home in the IBL including Josh Phelps, who plays ‘Primabase’ (first base) for Rimini. The league has also honored Italian-Americans who have contributed to the game including former Los Angeles Dodgers catcher and current Los Angeles Angels Manager Mike Scioscia.
While I wouldn’t want to see baseball displace soccer as Italy’s national pastime, it would be fun to see Italy in time develop a ‘big four’ sports pantheon which could include baseball. While this may not happen in the near future, judging by the baseball seeds planted in Italy through its cultural exchanges with the United States, there is hope that this could become a reality.

Until next week, Ciao!

Monday, January 16, 2012

150 Years of Italian Genius Exhibition Extended by Popular Demand

By Ron Spence, ICI NY Press Office
2011 was a big year for Italy as the country celebrated its 150th anniversary of Unification.  In the United States, citing the historical bond between the U.S. and Italy, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation marking March 17th as a day of celebration and study of Italian Unification in America. Celebrations of Italian Unification were held across the United States including the Italian Cultural Institute of New York (ICI NY), which played a leading role in commemorating the genius and influence of the Italian nation since before and after unification through music, art, and science exhibitions and symposiums on politics and history.

To cap off the year of Unification celebration, the ICI NY coordinated a program expanding upon and celebrating the scientific developments of Italians within multiple facets of science and life, and how these advances will continue to develop world society. This program, “150 Years of Italian Genius:  On the Frontiers of Creativity & Science,” kicked off on December 6th at the Consulate General of Italy in New York, and featured renown international experts and speakers on Italian scientific discoveries which shaped and enhanced the American Industrial Revolution. Names which I remember hearing in Mr. Sterling’s science class at Mark Twain Junior High School in Coney Island (Fermi, Marconi, and more) were vividly brought to life and their discoveries expanded upon. On December 16th the Institute opened to the public an interactive thematic exhibition on the topics discussed. Initially the exhibit was to run through January 27, 2012 but due to popular demand the exhibition has been extended through February 3, 2012.

The exhibition is a treasure trove of science and history and caters to all levels of awareness in the field of science. First time visitors who are curious will be able to navigate the interdependencies between Italian science discoveries and the world via interactive smart-pads.  Historians and scientists will be able to see in person physical prototypes of those inventions which changed our world including early computers, radios, and examples of transportation technologies. Public health experts will be able to trace the development of vaccinations via the discoveries made within the University of Turin that are on display. The exhibit is also a great venue for school teachers and classes of all ages and private tours can be held upon request.

True to the Italian vision of creativity the exhibit itself is designed to engage the visitor through multiple levels of interaction within five major areas of discovery-
1.       “Experience the New”
·         This thematic room contains Italian discoveries of the ‘nuts & bolts’ developed to produce light bulbs, typewriters, rubber tires for automobiles, and Moplen plastics that are used for receptacles and other day-to-day activities.  Sections within this area explore the discoveries and improvements of Primo Levi, Antonio Meucci & the telephone, Alessandro Crutto & the light bulb, Giovanni Battista Pirelli & pneumatic tires and electric wires and more.
2.       “Traveling & Learning”
·         Today many New Yorkers ride Vespas to work, but how many know that the Vespa was an Italian invention? The impacts of Italian science on the development of the automobile are innumerable and featured within this area. Dante Giacosa, Fiat and the development of the utility car, Corradino D’Ascanio & the Vespa, Enrico Forlanini & the dirigible, and Giuseppe Gabrielli & the airplane are a select group of inventors and inventions included within this section.
3.       “New Frontiers”
·         Ever hold a conference call or make a dinner reservation via cell phone? Like the oceans during the Age of Exploration, space and the infinitesimal are now considered to be humanity’s final frontier. The development of communication through space and the analyses and discovery of the smallest particles are some of the areas explored upon in this section. Guglielmo Marconi & the wireless telegraph, Enrico Fermi & the nuclear reactor, and Giuseppe Colombo, Franco Malerba & the development of the tethered satellite systems and more are given their due in this fascinating learning station on what Italian breakthroughs in new frontiers mean for humanity and the future of the unknown.
4.       “More Efficient & Pleasant Working Conditions”
·          The laptop computer I’m using to type this blog has its origins in the creation of the first computer by Piergiorgio Perotto, whose computing contributions are on display at the Institute (and also featured at the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park in the United Kingdom). Other works within this area, such as those of Federico Faggin & the microprocessor (which forms the core functionality of personal computers) and others are on display.
5.       “To Heal is to Live”
·         Discoveries and major developments in neurology, bacteriology, microbiology and more are featured within this section. Battista Grassi and Ida Bianco and their work in the field of malaria, Giulio Bizzozero and his work on the understanding of modern anatomy, Salvador Luria and his work in bacteriology, and Giacomo Rizzolatti and his developments within the field of mirror neurons among additional scientists and their work are assembled together here.
With only three weeks remaining, grab a macchiato, hop on your Vespa and take a ride through our past, present, and future of science at the Italian Cultural Institute of New York!

P.S. - For a sneak peak of the exhibition please visit the home page of the ICI NY-
For private tours please contact:
Eva Zanardi, Director of Communications
Italian Cultural Institute of New York
686 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10065
Tel. 212-879-4242 x333
Fax 212-861-4018

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Honoring the Memory of Holocaust Victims at the Italian Cultural Institute of New York

Honoring the Memory of Holocaust Victims at the Italian Cultural Institute of NY
By Ron Spence, ICI NY Press Office Staff
As a kid growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980s I used to visit my grandmother Josephine, a proud Italian-American whose parents Michele Rizzo and Teresa DiBuono emigrated at the turn of the 20th century to New York City from the mountain village of Rutino, after school for home-made Italian cooking. The street where she lived and which shaped my early years as a Brooklynite, 17th Street, was a melting pot of hard working primarily blue-collar immigrant families.  It was a street in which neighbors treated neighbors like family regardless of ethnic or religious differences.
One of my grandmother’s neighbors, Henry Dorzinski, was a Polish immigrant and a gentle soul who helped neighbors with house repairs. While I primarily remember Henry as a soft spoken kind man who always wore handyman attire of jeans and a white t-shirt, always took care of his garden, and allowed my sister and I to play with his Pomeranian dogs Fifi and Baron, the indelible image of Henry that has been seared into my memory was of a tattoo he had on his arm- or what at the time I thought was a tattoo. It wasn’t until years later that I learned from my family what it really was- a barcode of his imprisonment number form his time in a Nazi concentration camp. Looking back on it 20 years after he passed I cannot imagine the harrowing experiences he must have gone through during that terrible time. The pure evil of the Holocaust knew no bounds. Millions of innocent people were murdered out of hate, the false science of eugenics, and countless other indefensible excuses. The aftereffects of the Holocaust impacted millions of survivors across the globe and families from all different backgrounds across neighborhoods in New York City, including my grandmother’s.
To continue the important study of the Holocaust, the Italian Cultural Institute of New York will coordinate a series of symposiums from January 27th-30th on the Nazi and fascist persecution of the Italian Jewish community and other Italians victimized. The events include:
·         Friday January 27th Remembrance Ceremony:  The Consul General of Italy, Hon. Natalia Quintavalle is renewing her predecessors’ commitment to preserve the memory of the victims of Nazi-Fascist persecution. The Consulate, in collaboration with Centro Primo Levi, is organizing the ceremony of the reading of the names of all Jews deported from Italy and Italian territories. This reading is the centerpiece in a series of events presenting and informing on the history of totalitarianism and raising awareness against racism and xenophobia. Giorno della Memoria is held under the auspices of the Consulate General of Italy in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute, the Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimo’ at NYU, the John D. Calandra Institute at CUNY, the Italian Academy at Columbia University and the Scuola d’Italia “G. Marconi,” and RAI Corporation. Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Location: Consulate General of Italy, 690 Park Avenue (between 68th Street and 69th Street), New York, NY.
·         Sunday January 29th Forging the ‘New Man’: A conversation with Francesco Cassata (University of Genoa) which will analyze the development of eugenics in Italy, from the First International Congress of Eugenics in London (1912) to the establishment of medical genetics during the 1950s. Dr. Cassata will expose the complex interaction between eugenics and “racial science” during Fascism, focusing in particular on the definition of an alternative model of neo-Lamarckian, pronatalist and Catholic eugenics: the so-called “Latin” eugenics. Starting with the institutionalization of Italian eugenics in the early 1900's, Cassata will trace the participation of the Italian scientific community in defining biological racism and a skewed notion of “fitness” that became central to the fascist regime's juridical, social and ideological system. Time: 2:30 PM. Location: Museum of Jewish Heritage, 36 Battery Park Place, New York, NY.
·         Monday January 30th The World Premiere of the documentary “DP Camp of Cinecitta”: A documentary film by Marco Bertozzi based on research by Noa Steimatsky. The conversion of Cinecittà, one of Europe’s largest movie studios, into a refugee camp is the topic of this thoroughly researched film. The camp of Cinecittà emerges as a startling phenomenon and a prime allegorical tableau of its time. The film explores the historical conditions at the time of the camp’s creation, the magnitude of its population, the duration of its existence and the broader social and political forces that governed its development. Time: 6:00 PM. Location: NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimo' 24 West 12th Street (between 5th Avenue and Avenue of the Americas), New York, NY.